If therefore the teacher finds by his inquiries into the state of his district that there are some peculiar difficulties and dangers there, let him not cherish a disposition to face and resist them, but to avoid them. He ought, it will be generally supposed in this country, to be republican. CLASSES. All however, should be done in a pleasant tone, and with a pleasant and cheerful air. (6. This distinction ought to be kept constantly in view, and the teacher should feel that these three fundamental branches stand chart for decimals # by themselves, and stand first in importance. Those, who have different answers may sit. Now when I was a boy, it used to be considered dishonorable and cowardly for a large, strong boy to abuse a little one who cannot defend himself. The teacher shakes his head; saying "I will hear you presently. They all see the useful influence of it, and wish to sustain it.

It is true that the caution given in a preceding part of this chapter, against devoting undue and disproportionate attention to such persons must not be forgotten. When it is desirable to ask a question to which the answer is necessarily long, it may be addressed to an individual, or the whole class may write their replies, which may then be read in succession. The card was at first down every half hour for one or two minutes. They should understand that the teacher is engaged in various plans for improving the school, in which they should be invited to engage, not from the selfish desire of thereby saving him trouble, but because it will really be happy employment for them to engage in such an enterprise, and because, by such efforts, their own moral powers will be exerted and strengthened in the best possible way. Really desire to make him happy;--happy, too, in his own way, not in yours. "The first fault, which I suppose will be found, is, that some are unfinished. Accordingly, at the next recess, as the teacher had anticipated, he went slyly to the lath, cut the string, then returned to his seat, and drew the line in, rolled it up, and put it in his pocket. Injury to clothes. Have I _done_ well should always be the question, not have I managed to _appear_ well? "I will say a word here," continued the teacher, "upon a practice, which I have known to be very common in some schools, chart for decimals # and which I have been sorry to notice occasionally in this.

In applying this method, however, the teacher should be very careful not to subdivide too much. 19. ' Should you call that reciting well?" Nothing is more common than for pupils to say, when they fail of reciting their lesson, that they could say it at their seats, but that they cannot now say it, before the class. After thinking of a variety of methods, he determined to try the following. It is so with every case, where the relation of employer and employed subsists. " A number sit, and others, doubtful whether they are prepared or not, or thinking that there is something peculiar in their cases, which they wish to state, raise their hands, or make any other signal which is customary to indicate a wish to speak. The joyful sailor embarks on board of his ship, the sails are spread to catch the playful gale, swift as an arrow he cuts the rolling wave. But let him, on the other hand, when a boy comes to him to ask some question, the answer to which many in the school would equally wish to hear, say to the inquirer: "Will you be so good as to write that question, and put it on my desk, and then, at the regular time, I will answer it to all the school.

The sailors hoisted, and the front part of the little boat began to rise, the stern still ploughing and foaming through the water, and the man chart for decimals # still in it, with his trunk under his arm.

Perhaps you are contemplating only a single new institution, chart for decimals # which is to depend for its success, on yourself and some coadjutors whom you have in mind, and whom you well know. The great prevailing fault of writers in this country, is an affectation of eloquence. Remember that so great is now the competition in this branch, nothing but superior excellences will secure the favorable chart for decimals # reception of a work. "Mr.

|G. Speak often of your responsibility to your employers, not formally, but incidentally and naturally as you will speak, if you feel this responsibility. " "Oh!" I replied, "they will like to have a good trial. The _community_ have a right to interfere, in such a case, as they in fact do by requiring every man to provide for the instruction of his children, and in some other ways which need not now be specified. So much ground, it seems, the teacher may occupy, by common consent, in New-England, and it certainly is a great deal.

Religious exercises in school. But to proceed: "When the sun is exactly opposite to us, in the south, at the highest point to which he rises, what o'clock is it?" "When the sun is exactly opposite to us, can he be opposite to the Rocky Mountains?" "Does he get opposite to the Rocky Mountains, before, or after, he is opposite to us?" "When he is opposite to the Rocky Mountains, what o'clock is it there?" "Is it twelve o'clock here, then, before, or after it is twelve o'clock there?" "Suppose the river Mississippi is fifteen degrees from us, how long is it twelve o'clock here, before it is twelve o'clock there?" "When it is twelve o'clock here then, what time will it be there?" Some will probably answer "one," and some "eleven. A college professor, if he brings extraordinary talents chart for decimals # to bear upon the regular duties of that office, throws light, universally, upon the whole science of college discipline and instruction.

The lecture rooms were fitted up in handsome style, and the officers, when the time for the occupation of the building approached, were anticipating with regret, what seemed to be the unavoidable defacing, and cutting, and marking of the seats and walls. It will chart for decimals # gratify you to observe the profound stillness of the room where a hundred are studying. He then took his handkerchief out of his pocket, and laid it on the desk, and afterwards he put his hand into his pocket again; and took out the chestnut burr, and all the boys looked at it.
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