(3) But perhaps the greatest evil of this practice is, it satisfies the teacher. It may seem strange that I should speak so seriously of God's forgiveness for such a trifle as that. After this he asked the boys all to sit down. _ (See plan. At the next recitation, they probably will be much better. She ought to ascertain whether they are punctual at school, and regular in their habits,--whether their desks are neat and well arranged, and their exercises carefully executed. A cutting reproof administered in public, or a punishment which exposes the individual to the gaze of others, will often burn far more deeply into the heart than listing classical the teacher imagines. But before I proceed, let me protect myself from misconception by one or two remarks. This is to be done, it must be remembered, when they are wrong, as well as when they are right. One or two were written by teachers.

"I shall give you all an opportunity to examine your desks presently. If the teacher thinks that evil would result from the interruption of the studies so often, he may offer the pupils _three_ minutes rest every _hour_, instead of _two_ minutes every _half hour_, and let them take their choice; or he may decide the case altogether himself. But the pupil, in such cases, understands, or at least he believes, that the teacher applies to religious truth, only to eke out his own authority, and of course, it produces no effect. Consider in forming your text-book, not merely the whole subject on which you are to write, but also look extensively and thoroughly at the institutions throughout the country, and consider carefully the character of the teachers by whom you expect it to be used. 3. While he remains, he must honestly and fully submit to the wishes of those, in whose hands Providence has placed the ultimate responsibility of training up the children of his school. These suggestions are read. He calls one of them listing classical to his desk, and perhaps the following dialogue ensues. You will see that his name is not at the beginning of it, as it is in his other epistles: so it was put last. He must study the nature of the effect he is to produce, and of the materials upon which he is to work, and adopt, after mature deliberation, a plan to accomplish his purpose, founded listing classical upon the principles which ought always to regulate the action of mind upon mind, and adapted to produce the _intellectual effect_, which he wishes to accomplish.

WEEKLY REPORT. There is another view of the subject, which ought to be taken. Let them understand that becoming a Christian is _beginning_ a work, not _finishing_ it. A too strong confidence in our own views on every subject, almost inevitably comes, from never hearing our opinions contradicted or called in question; and we express those opinions in a tone of authority and even sometimes of arrogance, which we acquire in the school-room, for there, when we speak, nobody can reply. " "I presume you do. He can do nothing until the day and the hour for opening the school arrives,--then he has everything to do.

It is not even desirable that it should be. "Why? If you now sincerely determine never more to use a profane word, will you not easily avoid it?" The boys were silent. All will admit that it is highly important that every school should be simple in its plan,--as simple as its size and general circumstances will permit, and especially, that the public schools in every town and village of our country should never lose sight of what is, and must be, after all, their great design--_teaching the whole population to read, write, and calculate_. At the business quarter hour, I issued the following order. 6. _Miss X. "You cannot tell. At any rate, the number of dishonest boys in this school, cannot be so large as materially to affect the result. For though he may labor four hours out of school, in some new field, his health and spirits listing classical will soon sink under the burden, if after his weary labors during the day in school, he gives up his evenings to the same perplexities and cares. 3. They who wander from duty, always plunge themselves into troubles they do not anticipate; and if you do what, at the time you are doing it, you know to be wrong, it will not be unjust that you should suffer the consequences, even if they were not beforehand understood and expected.

"They are hard and sour before they are full grown, and so the taste is not pleasant, and nobody wants to eat them,--except sometimes a few foolish boys, and these are punished by being made sick.

But probably in almost every such case, it would be found, that it is from fear of its perversion to sect or party purposes, and not from any unwillingness to have the Bible used in the way I have described. appeared so perfectly calm, composed, and even kind, and so regardless of sighs and doleful exclamations, that Helen entirely lost her equanimity listing classical and let her tears flow freely and abundantly. " "Do you know listing classical what it is?" "No sir. The best way to overcome the prejudice, therefore, is to connect some pleasant association with it. " Very nearly all the listing classical hands were raised at once, promptly, and the others were gradually listing classical brought up, though with more or less of hesitation. Some teachers go to their daily task, merely upon compulsion: they regard it as intolerable drudgery. You will resolve to do a thing, without knowing with certainty whether it is even possible to do it.

The whole was made in one or two recesses in school, with such tools and materials as I could then command. Show then continually, that you see and enjoy the beauty of system and strict discipline, and that you submit to it yourself, as well as require it of others. Nature of piety.

Scene in a class. 3. Providence has determined that human minds should differ from each other, for the very purpose of giving variety and interest to this busy scene of life. Wasted time, blotted books, and fretted tempers, were all the results which the system produced. The parents or the committee object; they say, that they wish the children to confine their attention exclusively to the elementary branches of education.
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