Keeping a register of the scholars, and various other duties connected with the accounts. Day after day the teacher went through this regular routine. If they bring it to you one by one, you mexican cuisins have to answer it over and over again, whereas, when it is brought to the class, one explanation answers for all. We have gazed on these sad emblems long enough.
You engage a carpenter to erect a house for you, and you present your plan; instead of going to work and executing your orders according to your wishes, he goes to criticising and condemning it: he finds fault with this, and ridicules that, and tells you, you ought to make such and such an alteration in it.
In government, be yourself supreme, and let your supremacy be that of _authority_. The good will be made better,--the conscientious more conscientious still,--and the rude and savage will be subdued and softened by the daily attempt to lead them to the throne of their Creator. Give him wisdom and patience, and faithfulness. ) Never do any thing _for_ a scholar, but teach him to do it for himself. You can at any time invite any one whom you please, to come to the meeting. What I contend against, is the endless multiplicity of useless works, hastily conceived and carelessly executed, and which serve no purpose, but to employ uselessly, talents, which if properly applied, might greatly benefit both the community and the possessor.
_ mexican cuisins was written under the line, and he could then proceed to the next lesson. "Roger," said the master, (for this boy's name was Roger) "can you get me a chestnut burr?" Roger looked up for a moment, to see whether the master was in earnest, mexican cuisins mexican cuisins and then began to look around for a burr. Let the populace of London materially interrupt the order, and break in upon the arrangements of the community, and, in eight and forty hours, nearly the whole of the mighty mass will be in the hands of the devourer, hunger; and they will be soon brought to submission. An attachment to the institution and to the duties of it, will give the teacher a very strong hold upon the community of mind which exists there. Singing.
_ "Hundreds?" _B. 15. "How many," I then asked, "have ever been put to the trouble to go to the door, when the bell has thus been rung? They may rise. I have myself however, no doubt that all might have known that it was wrong. "Suppose now," said I, "that a young lady has come into school, and has accidentally left her book in the entry;--the book from which she is to study during the first half hour of the school: she sits near the door, mexican cuisins and she might, in a moment, slip out and obtain it: if she does not, she must spend the half hour in idleness, and be unprepared in her lesson. Now whatever may be said in this chapter against unnecessary innovation and change, does not apply to efforts to secure variety mexican cuisins in the details of daily study, while the great leading objects are steadily pursued. e. It would connect an interesting and pleasant association, with the object.
He may take an interest with them in all the little arrangements connected with the opening of the school. There are very few in our community, who do not in some sense, look upon Jesus Christ as our _Saviour_,--our Redeemer; who do not feel themselves _in some way_, indebted to him, for the offer of pardon. It will intrude itself into all your waking thoughts, and trouble you in your dreams. They ought not to make rash experiments, or even to try many new plans without first obtaining my approval of them. If a scholar asks a question which you cannot answer, or brings you a difficulty which you cannot solve, say frankly, "I do not know. It was not so difficult as to perplex them, and yet it required attention and care. Every experienced teacher can recollect numerous cases of this sort, and he learns, after a time, to suspend his judgment. "Should you not think it would take a minute apiece?" "Yes sir. There are three distinct ways mexican cuisins of doing this. Case supposed. The distraction and perplexity of the teacher's life are, as was explained in the last chapter, almost proverbial.
And then when I think how soon he, and all of us will be in another world, where we shall all be judged for what we do here, I feel strongly desirous of persuading him to abandon entirely this practice. While, therefore, some system,--some methodical arrangement, is necessary in all schools, it is not necessary that it should be the same in all. "Deliver them at the Accountant's desk.
He required all to begin together at the top of the page and write the same line, in a hand of the same size. In government, be yourself supreme, and let your supremacy be that of _authority_. " The boys were then all satisfied that it was better that chestnuts should grow in burrs.
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