It ought, however, in all cases, to be made a means, not an end;--the means to lead on a pupil to an _interest in progress in knowledge itself_, which is, after all, the great motive, which ought to be brought, as soon and as extensively as possible, to operate in the school-room. He sauntered slowly and listlessly north carolina nursing practice act through the aisles, and among the benches of the room, wherever he saw the signal of a pen. _ "Tens?" _B. Trust is reposed in them, which may be greater or less, as they are able to bear. "It will do them no good," says the chairman of the committee, "to learn by heart some dozen or two of learned names. I think there is nothing analogous to this moral connexion between teacher and pupil, unless it be in the case of a parent and child. He will have a committee of one or two to take care of the fire, and another to see that the room is constantly in good order. Cases where it is most difficult to obey.
General Exercises. It may seem strange that I should speak so seriously of God's forgiveness for such a trifle as that. But I shall speak more particularly on this subject under the head of Religious Instruction. Their pupils must write just such a hand, they must compose in just such a style, they must be similar in sentiment and feeling, and their manners must be formed according to a fixed and uniform model; and when, in such a case, a pupil north carolina nursing practice act comes under their charge whom Providence has designed to be entirely different from the beau ideal adopted as the standard, more time and pains, and anxious solicitude is wasted in vain attempts to produce the desired conformity, than half the school require beside. It is mainly owing to the different methods adopted by various individuals. If half a dozen teachers who are associated in the same vicinity, would meet once a fortnight, simply to hear each other's journals, they would be amply repaid for their time and labor.
The reader will observe that in the above, there are no explanations by the teacher, there are not even leading questions; that is, there are no questions whose form suggests the answers desired. A bad boy, who has done something openly and directly subversive of the good order of the school, or the rights of his companions, is called before the master, who thinks that the most powerful weapon to wield against him is the Bible. These are then read and commented on by the teacher, and are made the occasion of any remarks, which he may wish to make. " The boys seemed pleased with the plan, and the committees were appointed, two members on each. "I suppose that some will be found partly effaced. " There was a pause.
" "Set copies. I am prejudiced to [against] the very spot. It is well on other accounts to give the pupils of a school a little respite, at least every hour; and if this is done, an intermission of study for two minutes each time, will be sufficient. In the first apparatus of this kind which I used, the plate was simply a card of pasteboard, from which the machine took its name.
At any rate, the number of dishonest boys in this school, cannot be so large as materially to affect the result. The whole school went regularly through the lessons in coarse hand, and afterwards through a north carolina nursing practice act similar series in fine hand, and improvement in this branch was thought to be greater than at any former period in the same length of time. As I have not brought up this subject before, I presume that there are a great many, which can be arranged better than they are.
"I do not recollect anything about it," said I. _ (See Plan.
Everything comes upon him at once. M. The butterfly's wings are pretty, but he is dreadful ugly. If the next number was seven, you would say five of it will make twenty, and then there will be two left, which will make twenty-two. That the reader may understand to what extent I mean to be understood north carolina nursing practice act to recommend this, I will subjoin a form, such as in spirit I suppose such a prayer ought to be.
Do you like this plan?" "Yes sir," was the answer, and all seemed to enter into it with spirit. A teacher, who had never tried this experiment, would be surprised at the rapidity with which such work will be done by a class, after a little practice.
For some time, the attention of the Instructers was occupied in arranging the course of study, and attending to the other concerns of the Institution, and in the infant state of the Lyceum, few cases of discipline occurred, and no regular system of government was necessary. The gentlemen who originally interested themselves in its establishment, had mainly in view the exertion, by the Principal, of a decided moral and religious influence over the hearts of the pupils. The object of this exercise is to induce pupils to seek for general information in an easy and pleasant manner, as by the perusal of books, newspapers, periodicals, and conversation with friends.
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