In the same manner, an Episcopal teacher, in a private school, formed and supported by Episcopalians, may use and commend forms of prayer, and explain the various usages of that church, exhibiting their excellence, and their adaptation to the purposes for which they are intended. " "The reason is this," u15 blog japan I continued; "if the one case I have supposed, were the _only_ one, which would be u15 blog japan likely to occur, it would undoubtedly be better for her to go; but if it is understood that, in such cases, the rule may be dispensed with, there will be many others, where it will be u15 blog japan equally necessary to lay it aside. There always will be a few, who will require special watch and care, and generally there will be only a few. By these means, his labors will not only be more effectual, but far more pleasant. God has placed the responsibility in the hands of the father and mother, and unless the manner in which it is exercised is calculated to endanger or to injure the community, there can rightfully be no interference except that of argument and persuasion. "Perhaps you understood, that when I put the question to vote, I meant to abide by your decision, and that, consequently, I ought not to have reversed it, as I did, afterwards?" "Yes sir;" "yes sir;" they replied. It ought to be a very clear case. "I am going to give you a new exercise to-day," said a teacher to a class of boys, in Latin. Make no rash experiments on a large scale, but always test your principle in the small way, and then, if it proves good, gradually extend its operation, as circumstances seem to require. "Can it be noon, then," continues the teacher, "here and at a place fifteen degrees west of us, at the same time?" "Can it be noon here, and at a place ten miles west of us, at the same time?" It is unnecessary to continue the illustration, for it will u15 blog japan be very evident to every reader, that by going forward in this way, the whole subject may be laid out before the pupils, u15 blog japan so that they shall perfectly understand it. Now the true policy is, to let them experience the pleasure of doing their duty, and they will easily be allured to it.
" "It certainly is so, though I suppose James did not consider it. They know very well, when a parent or teacher is talking to them on religious subjects, merely as a matter of course, for the sake of effect; and such constrained and formal efforts never do any good. MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL. A too strong confidence in our own views on every subject, almost inevitably comes, from never hearing our opinions contradicted or called in question; and we express those opinions in a tone of authority and even sometimes of arrogance, which we acquire in the school-room, for there, when we speak, nobody can reply. I do not mean by this illustration, that such a measure as this, would be the only notice that ought to be taken of such an act of wilful disturbance in school.
c. u15 blog japan It would be unpleasant for a young lady to do this, in presence of a hundred companions, and we have consequently resorted to another plan. They are rather chosen because they are common, i. The great principle which is to guide the teacher, in this part of his duty, is this; _Assist your pupils, in such a way, as to lead them, as soon as possible, to do without assistance_. We must, therefore, draw a _precise line_, and individuals must submit to a little inconvenience, sometimes, to promote the general good.
By such means, the practical bearings and relations of the studies of the school-room, may he constantly kept in view; but I ought to guard the teacher, while on this subject, most distinctly, against the danger of making the school-room a scene of literary amusement, u15 blog japan instead of study. But the general opinion in regard to teaching is composed of a vast number of _separate_ and _independent_ judgments, and there must be some good ground for the universal result. The teacher said nothing about the subject, and the boy soon supposed it was entirely forgotten. ) In giving instruction on moral duty, the subject should be taken up generally, in reference to imaginary cases, or cases which are unknown to most of the scholars. The practice has therefore arisen, and gradually extended itself almost universally in school, of writing to me on the subject. | Geography. The teacher must, indeed, in all his intercourse with his pupils, never forget his station, nor allow them to lay aside the respect, without which authority cannot be maintained. It is true, and the fact interested me very much when I witnessed it, but I do not know that it will interest you now, merely to hear it repeated.
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