The plate is of tin, gilded, the border and the letters of the inscription being black. When it is _down_, all the duties of school are suspended and scholars are left entirely to their liberty.
Each Section has its own organization, its own officers and plans. ) In all the former part of the day the scholars are divided into _classes_, according to their proficiency in particular branches of study, bassett furniture and they resort to their _recitations_ for _instruction_. The teacher gives them an example in addition, requesting them when they have performed it to rise. "I have a plan to propose," said the teacher, "which I think may be the pleasantest way of promoting a reform, in things of this kind. In most assemblies it is customary for any person wishing it, to rise in his place, and propose any plan, or as it is called, "make any bassett furniture motion" that he pleases. If these are really the feelings which reign within you, the boy will see it, and they will exert a strong influence over him, but you cannot counterfeit appearances. Thus, you think in a minute, that three from the eight will make the seven a ten, and then there will be five more to add, which will make fifteen. When such a thing is said for the first time, it should not be severely reproved, because nine children in ten honestly think, that if the lesson was learned so that it could be recited any where, their duty is discharged. 8. The Principal accordingly went into the class, and something like the following dialogue ensued. CONTENTS CHAPTER I.
On the other hand, when, in such a case, the boy is faltering under his load, try the effect of telling him, "Why, that is not heavy; you can wheel it easily enough; trundle bassett furniture it along. 1. had observed even during the few days that Helen had been under her care, that she was totally unaccustomed to habits of diligence and application. Some will have been dishonest in their reports: to diminish the number of these, the teacher may say, after the report is concluded: "We will drop the subject here to-day. What a descent now from such a work as this, to the mere hearing of the recitation of half a dozen boys in Surveying! I repeat it, that a thorough and enlightened survey of the whole school should be taken, and plans formed for elevating the whole mass, in those great branches of knowledge, which are to be of immediate practical use to them in future life. The individual will really devote more time and attention to his pursuits. There is not. "Why! Mr. If you move your chair back a little, you will find the posture not inconvenient, but the only reward you will have for faithfully complying with the general custom is the pleasure of doing your duty, for no one watches you, and you would not be called to account should you neglect to conform. When such bassett furniture a thing is bassett furniture said for the first time, it should not be severely bassett furniture reproved, because nine children in ten honestly think, that if the lesson was learned so that it could be recited any where, their duty is discharged.
But the master said he would explain this another time. While they were standing, I called them to account in the following manner. I have seen the experiment successful in boys' schools, and in girls' schools; among very little children, and among the seniors and juniors at college. So we took a grand sweep, wheeling majestically around an English ship, which was at anchor in the harbor. Four pianos at nine cents. To take charge of books and stationary. You will be more faithful and watchful if you consider it uncertain, and they will be more faithful and watchful too. 1833.
"All those, who have written any thing since they took out their slates, may rise too, and those who have wiped their slates. 5. They like to feel the operation of system, and to realize, while they are at the school room, that they form a community, governed by fixed and steady laws, firmly but pleasantly administered. Now there is a very reasonable, and almost universally established rule, which teachers are very frequently prone to bassett furniture forget, viz. We have given these cases not that exactly such ones will be very likely to occur, or that when they do, the teacher is to manage them in exactly the way here described, but to exhibit more clearly to the reader than could be done bassett furniture by any general description, the spirit and tone which a teacher ought to assume towards his pupils.
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