Cases of discipline, which it is necessary to bring before the whole school, ought to come up at a regularly appointed time. " It is not probable, however, that computer desktop encyclopedia every one would be prepared the next day, in such a case; but, by acting steadily on these principles, the number of delinquencies would be so much diminished, that the very few which should be left, could easily be examined in detail, and the remedies applied. Here, the teacher comes in contact with his scholars, mind with mind, and here, consequently, he must be uninterrupted and undisturbed. Many teachers, even among those who have taken high rank, through the success with which they have labored in this field, have wasted much time, in attempting to do what can never be done; computer desktop encyclopedia to form the character of those brought under their influence, after a certain uniform model, which they have conceived as the standard of excellence. In one corner of the room was a bed, on which was lying the patient whom we had come to visit. The last hour of school is devoted to the Sections. They met about once a week to transact such business as appointing officers, making and repealing regulations, and inquiring into the state of the Lyceum. If the boy who did it is willing to rise and tell me, it will help us to decide this question. The first attempt nearly resulted in a failure; only a few trembling voices succeeded in singing Old Hundred, to the words, "Be thou," &c. Various modes. " "Besides," continues the teacher, looking pleasantly, however, while he says it, "if I knew, I think I ought not to tell you.
" "Then why should any boy or girl wish to give me trouble or pain?" There was a pause. What I contend against, is the endless multiplicity of useless works, hastily conceived and carelessly executed, and which serve no purpose, but to employ uselessly, talents, which if properly applied, might greatly benefit both the community and the possessor. ) Bring, very fully and frequently, before your pupils the practical duties of religion in all their details, especially their duties at home; to their parents and to their brothers and sisters.
The chief point is simply to secure the _principle_, of whispering at definite computer desktop encyclopedia and limited times, and at those alone. They are arts; the acquisition of them is not to be considered as knowledge, computer desktop encyclopedia so much as the means, by which knowledge may be obtained. And accordingly where such a plan has been adopted, it has, I believe, in every instance, been ultimately abandoned. I ought to say, however, that it is not probable that he would long continue these arrangements unaltered. There may be, here and there, a theological student, or a contributor to the columns of a polemical magazine, who ranks Jesus Christ with Moses and with Paul.
What is your objection to her. The names of the former should be among the first which the teacher learns, and their characters should be among the first which he studies. It was to be called the Shopping Exercise. It is true that the caution given in a preceding part of this chapter, against devoting undue and disproportionate attention to such persons must not be forgotten. It is a case which actually occurred, as here narrated.
When the result is reported to me I will read it to the school. A drawing and description of it is inserted here, as by this means, some teachers, who may like to try the course here recommended, may be saved the time and trouble of contriving something of the kind themselves. There doubtless are. The idea of his teacher's trying to perplex and embarrass him, was entirely new. Now suppose I should call another boy, one with whom I was particularly acquainted, and, who, I should know would make an effort to please me, and should say to him, 'For a particular reason, I want you to copy this poetry'--giving him the same--'I wish you to copy it handsomely, for I wish to send it away, and have not time to copy it myself. This cord passes back from _d_ to _a_ small pulley at the upper part of the board, and at the tower end of it a tassel, loaded so as to be an exact counterpoise to the card, is attached. Young teachers, however, are prone to forget this, and to imagine that they must assume an appearance of stern authority, always, when in the presence of their scholars, if they wish to be respected or obeyed. " A very large number of scholars stood up. In the same way a multitude of other subjects, infinite in number and variety, may be brought before your pupils at stated seasons for religious instruction. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS.
And it has occurred to me that this will be a convenient mode of apprising you generally, that any article had better not be handled.
Are you both willing to leave it just where it is, till to-morrow, and try to forget all about it till then? I expect I shall find you both a little to blame.
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