It at once relieves his labors, while it doubles their efficiency and success. There are often cases of real moral turpitude in school,--such as where there is intentional, wilful mischief, or disturbance, or habitual disobedience, and there may even be, in some cases, open rebellion. Let us then examine the various particulars above mentioned in succession, and see how each can be disposed of, so as not to be a constant source of interruption and derangement. M. "What is the first book of the New Testament?" "Matthew:" they all answer, at once. It is to provide a way, by which teachers and pupils may folding table and chairs write, anonymously, for the school. The boys all look up, wondering what it is to be. If the teacher thinks that evil would result from the interruption of the studies so often, he may offer the pupils _three_ minutes rest every _hour_, instead of _two_ minutes every _half hour_, and let them take their choice; or he may decide the case altogether himself. And teaching, if it is pleasant, animating, and exciting to one, may be so to all. CHAPTER VII.

I know multitudes of persons to whom the above description will exactly apply. The object of this is to obtain the same kind of information with respect to the interior of the school, that was recommended in respect to the district, under the former head. The following may be given as an example of the manner in which business is transacted by means of these officers. The master took care to give the quarrellers some share in the work, apparently forgetting, from this time, the unpleasant occurrence which had brought up the subject.

" Morning comes and finds you sleepy and disinclined to rise. He was to take them up, and throw them over into the pasture, across the way. But, though an overwhelming majority can be reached by such methods as these, folding table and chairs all cannot. ) Lead your pupils to see that they must share with you, the credit or the disgrace, which success or failure may bring.

His business, while pursued in such a way, could not have been a mere dull and uninteresting routine. " "Yes sir. After the period of his services has expired, he returns to the pursuit of his studies, encouraged by his success, and anticipating further triumphs in his subsequent attempts.

There will be very little to interest you except the subject itself, for I make all the instructions folding table and chairs which I give there as plain, direct, and practical as is in my power. Where the chestnut gets its full growth and is ripe, this covering you know splits open, and the nuts drop out, and then any body can get them and eat them. They are expected to be present and prepared at the time of recitation, but they make the preparation when it is most convenient. D. Their duties however as _Teachers_, and as _Superintendents_ are entirely distinct. Ascertaining who they are. "During the whole morning, Helen exerted herself to be mild and obliging; her conduct towards her aunt was uncommonly affectionate. " "How may we overcome prejudice? I think that when we are prejudiced against a person, it is the hardest thing in the world to overcome it.

3. " "It ought to be, certainly; though, were it not for such a case as this, we should not have thought of considering Richard Jones a coward. In order to mark more definitely the times for communication I wrote, in large letters, on a piece of pasteboard, "STUDY HOURS," and making a hole over the centre of it, I hung it upon a nail, over my desk. This latter point is necessary, in order to secure the popularity and success of the plan. What I now condemn is the practice, of which all teachers are in danger, of devoting such a disproportionate and unreasonable degree of attention to them, as to encroach upon their duties to others.

Then act upon system. "But I heard a boy say," replied the master, "that they ought not to be made to grow so. But the best plan is, for the teacher not to mend the pens himself. Limits and restrictions to religious influence in school. Danger of insubordination. He said nothing to the boy, and in fact, the boy did not know that he was overheard.

When the scholars are allowed, as they very generally are, to come, when they please, to present their pens, some four, five or six times in a day--breaking in upon any business--interrupting any classes--perplexing and embarrassing the teacher, however he may be employed,--there is a very serious obstruction to the progress of the scholars, which is by no means repaid by the improvement folding table and chairs in this branch. Some will not answer at all. My charge to the jury would be somewhat as follows. In some cases a different course is wise undoubtedly,--as, for example, where a teacher is commencing a private school, on a previously well-digested plan of his own,--or where one who has had experience, and has confidence in his power to bring his new pupils promptly and at once into the system of classification and instruction which he prefers. The culprit began to tremble. * * * * * If planning and scheming are confined within these limits, and conducted on these principles, the teacher will save all the agitating perplexity and care which will otherwise be his continual portion.

I receive some of the most valuable suggestions in this way, from the older and more reflecting pupils. I know of no part of the field of a teacher's labors, which may be more facilitated, by a little ingenuity, than this. But this can surely be no reason.

I may, however, give a clearer idea of what is meant, by such emergencies, by an example. The composition though faulty in many respects, illustrates the point we had in view. I refer folding table and chairs to the rights of the Committee, or the Trustees, or Patrons, in the control of the school. And, after all, there are some circumstances necessarily attending the work which constitute folding table and chairs a heavy drawback on the pleasures which it might otherwise afford.

The teacher near the close of recess, is sitting with a group of his pupils around him, telling them some story.
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