" The teacher then described his conduct, in a mild manner, using the style of simple narration,--admitting no harsh epithets,--no terms of reproach. The untidy desk. Each one thus chosen nominates the second in her department, and they two, the assistants. He can, under pretence of awakening and cherishing the spirit of piety in the hearts of his pupils, present the subject in such aspects and relations, as to arouse the sectarian windows server 2003 manage your server or denominational feelings of some of his employers. He allowed a day or two to elapse, so that the conversation might be forgotten, and then took an opportunity, one day, after school, when all things had gone on pleasantly, and the school was about to be closed, to bring forward the whole subject. Now the care which he had exercised in attending to it at the time, and remembering it when the same word, (for the difference in the spelling he of course knew nothing about,) occurred again, was really commendable. They trust to some imaginary change, long since passed by, and which has proved to be spurious by its failing of its fruits. It is unnecessary to give any more particular examples, but still it may not be amiss to suggest a few general principles, which ought to guide those who are addressing the young, on every subject, and especially on the subject of religion. Some teacher may, perhaps, say that he cannot perform it because he is not a religious man;--he makes no pretensions to piety. If any one does not do it, she will punish herself severely, for she will feel for many days to come, that while her companions were willing to acknowledge their faults, she wished to conceal and cover hers.

The regular devotional exercises of school, are all which you will _necessarily_ witness.

When engaged in hearing a recitation, his mind is distracted with his schemes and plans; and instead of devoting his attention fully to the work he may have in hand, his thoughts are wandering continually to new schemes and fancied improvements, which agitate and perplex him, and which elude his efforts to give them a distinct and definite form. To prevent this the teacher should exercise double vigilance, at such a time. Let the mass of particulars which would otherwise crowd upon you in promiscuous confusion, be arranged and classified. When the result is reported to me I will read it to the school. It commences at half past three and continues about half an hour. And this, it may be, is the last of your resolution. Anonymous writing. Each one is sometimes a little uneasy under the restraint, which it imposes upon him individually, but they all love to see its operation upon others, and they are generally very willing to submit to its laws, if the rest of the community are required to submit too. On the other hand, how miserable must any boy feel, if he has any nobleness of mind whatever, to go away from school, to-day, thinking that he has not been honest; that he has been trying to conceal his faults, and thus to obtain a credit which he did not justly deserve.

As soon as an individual has exhausted her stock of information, or if the facts that she intended to mention are stated by another, she takes her windows server 2003 manage your server seat. "What is the first book of the New Testament?" "Matthew:" they all answer, at once. But it would not do. You will find it very difficult to express it.

I knew that it sometimes would be necessary, and I was desirous to adopt this plan to save myself the constant interruption of hearing and replying to requests. If the teacher can contrive to obtain a great majority upon his side, so as to let them see that any opposition which they can raise, is of no consequence, and is not even noticed, they will soon be ashamed of it. " "I perceive your answers become fainter and fainter. When she does become acquainted, all her first strange appearance is forgotten; but this is sometimes not the case for several weeks. But the great mass of the fathers and mothers, of every name and denomination through all the ranks of society, look up to the Saviour of sinners, with something at least of the feeling, that he is the object of extraordinary affection and reverence. 2. On perceiving it, at last, I put the bell into the hands of a pupil, commissioning her to ring regularly, having, myself, fixed the times, saying that I would show my pupils that I could be confined myself to system, as well as they.

After they are all written, he calls upon the pupils to spell them aloud as they have written them, simultaneously, pausing a moment after each, to give those who are wrong, an opportunity to indicate it, by some mark opposite the word misspelled. Boys' love of system and regularity. The record of each day will be read on the succeeding, at the hour for business. Is it considered so now?" "Yes sir. Treatment of individual offenders. V.

He then, with a pleasant tone and manner, gave a very minute, and, to the boys, a very interesting narrative of his adventure, two or three weeks before, when he rescued this boy from his danger. I am convinced, however, that it is very bad here. reminded her of her lesson, but she just noticed the remark by a toss of the head, and was soon in the green fields, apparently the gayest of the gay. A great many cases occur, where teachers are pleased with the confession of faults, and scholars perceive it, and the latter get into the habit of coming to the teacher, when they have done something which they think may get them into difficulty, and make a sort of half confession, which, by bringing forward every palliating circumstance, and suppressing every thing of different character, keeps entirely out of view all the real guilt of the transgression. The longer it is postponed, the more difficult and trying it will be. When windows server 2003 manage your server any thing wrong is done in school, I generally state the case and request the individuals who have done it to let me know who they are. You cannot reasonably expect however, that immediately after having explained your plan, it will, at once, go into full and complete operation. windows server 2003 manage your server
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