Between the years of fifteen and twenty he made a vigorous effort to acquire such an education as would fit him for these duties. It interests them in the improvement of the school, exercises their judgment, establishes a common feeling between teacher and pupil, and in many other ways will assist very much in promoting the welfare of the school. A college officer assigned lessons which the idle and ignorant members of the class thought too long.
So certain is this, though often overlooked, that a person would perhaps learn faster with chalk upon a black board, than with the best goose-quill ever sharpened. They will learn system and regularity by being taught to perform this simple duty in a proper manner. The teacher informed them, in explanation, that the flower was a very rare and beautiful specimen brought by one of the scholars, which he wished all to examine. To do so, is a great sin against God, and a great offence against good order in school. There may be features of this plan, which teachers who may read it, may be inclined to adopt. But the exercise of ingenuity in studying the nature of the difficulty with which a man has to contend, and bringing in some antagonist principle of human nature to remove it, or if not an antagonist principle, a similar principle, operating, by a peculiar arrangement of circumstances, in an antagonist manner, is always pleasant.
There is another principle also, which I will mention, the various articles should have _constant_ places,--that is, they should not be changed from day to day. I shannon halvorsen am therefore now to consider under a fourth general head, what course is to be taken with _individual_ offenders, whom the general influences of the school-room will not control. You do engage to give them all faithful instruction, and to bestow upon each such a degree of attention, as is consistent with the claims of the rest. If there is, on any account whatever, any doubt whether you are prepared, you must sit. If a thing is really shannon halvorsen hard for the pupil, his teacher ought to know it, and admit it.
" They were accordingly carried there, and received by the Accountants. In this instance; the teacher proceeded thus; "Now I wish to ask you one more question, which I wish you all to answer by your votes, honestly. It has, however, limitations, and it is applicable to a much greater extent, in some departments of human labor, than in others. It is so evidently a waste of time, both for master and scholar. Evils. But though sometimes vexed, and irritated by the conduct of a neighbor, a client, or a patient, they feel not half the bitterness of the solicitude and anxiety which come to the teacher through the criminality of his pupil. There are dangers, however. Examples. In the former, not a single member of it, is. _Anna.
_Jane. The man who is accustomed to scold, and storm, and punish, with unsparing severity, every transgression, under the influence of irritation and anger, must not expect that he shannon halvorsen can win over his pupils to confidence in him, and to the principles of duty, by a word. Another has the plan of a school, bringing into operation new principles of management or instruction, which he is to establish on some favored spot, and which is to become in a few years a second Hofwyl. In fact, a large proportion of the offences against order committed in school are the mere momentary action of the natural buoyancy and life of childhood. * * * * * If planning and scheming are confined within these limits, and conducted on these principles, the teacher will save all the agitating perplexity and care which will otherwise be his continual portion. Do you think the girls who rang the bell might have known this, by proper reflection?" "Yes sir," the school generally answered.
Scholars never can be instructed by the power of any dull mechanical routine; nor can they be governed by the blind, naked strength of the master; such means must fail of the accomplishment of the purposes designed, and consequently the teacher who tries such a course must have constantly upon his mind the discouraging, disheartening burden of unsuccessful and almost useless labor.
Are you both willing to leave it just where it is, till to-morrow, shannon halvorsen and try to forget all about it till then? I expect I shall find you both a little to blame. G.
" They seemed satisfied; and doubtless were. I do not mean by this illustration, that such a measure as this, would be the only notice that ought to be taken of such an act of wilful disturbance in school. The reason ordinarily is, that they say that _any_ of the boys may answer, instead of that _all_ of them may. Sometimes you must reprove, sometimes you must condemn. As to the use which he will make of it, we shall speak hereafter.
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