Before long, however, complaints were made that the students touareg 2 at the Lyceum were guilty of breaking windows in an old building used as a town-house. I once heard a teacher who had been very successful, even in large schools, say that he could hear two classes recite, mend pens, and watch his school, all at the same time; and that, without any distraction of mind, or any unusual fatigue. To the middle Sections is assigned a light straw color; and to the junior, pink. He told them he should forget which was the number of nails, and which the touareg 2 number of scholars, unless they wrote it down. However, we anticipate an improvement in this touareg 2 respect, as we know "a word to the wise is sufficient. Let him use no cant and hackneyed phrases, and never approach the subject of personal piety,--i. for money; the second, F. His whole work is experimenting upon mind; and the mind which is before him to be the subject of his operation, is exactly touareg 2 in the state to be most easily and pleasantly operated upon. What we aim at, is to bring forward and strengthen an internal principle, which will act, when both parent and teacher are away, and control where external circumstances are all unfavorable. A man who has touareg 2 not done this a hundred times himself, will hardly believe it possible that such a practice can prevail.

For this purpose repair to the school-room, on the first day, at an early hour, so as to see and become acquainted with the scholars as they come in, one touareg 2 by one. In this instance; the teacher proceeded thus; "Now I wish to ask you one more question, which I wish you all to answer by your votes, honestly. In fact, in many cases, you punish them more; for I believe it is almost invariably more unpleasant for a good boy to stand by and listen to rebukes, than for a bad boy to take them. No classes recite then, but the Sections meet, touareg 2 if the Superintendents wish, and attend to such exercises as they provide. The teacher can awaken in the hearts of his pupils, a personal attachment for him, by asking in various ways, their touareg 2 assistance in school, and then appearing honestly gratified with touareg 2 the assistance rendered. Others appeal sometimes to religious truth, merely to assist them in the government of the school. But if you once allow school with its perplexities and cares to get possession of the rest of the day, it will keep possession. This is peculiarly the case with experiments upon mind, or experiments for producing effects through the medium of voluntary acts of the human mind, so that the contriver touareg 2 must take into consideration the laws of mind in forming his plans.

Every thing is not to be done in school. At the close of school, when the studies were ended, and the books laid away, he told the scholars that he wanted to tell them a story. Try to be careful next time. Two kinds of management. The two upper Sections are called Senior, the next two Middle, and the two younger Junior.

ENGLISH COMPOSITION. To inquire of their several teachers as to the progress they make in study, and the faithfulness and punctuality with which they prepare their lessons. 10. You will derive a most powerful touareg 2 indirect assistance, from the influence of religion in the little community which you govern. It is all well. _ Wrong.

"You would naturally feel a disposition touareg 2 to examine it by the touch;" said he, "but you will all see, that by the time it was touched by sixty individuals, it would be likely to be injured, if not destroyed. The practice of thus reducing to writing what the teacher may say on such subjects will be attended with excellent effects. _Moral. " "Do you mean you would like to have the inquiry made?" "Yes sir. " "Love of money," or perhaps other answers are heard, from the various parts of the room. The teacher, after watching some time for an opportunity to humble him, one day overhears a difficulty among the boys, and looking out of the window, observes that he is taking away a sled touareg 2 from one of the little boys, to slide down hill touareg 2 upon, having none of his own. Perhaps a few schools may make a trial of it, and if, for any reason, the teachers who try it are interested in the work, perhaps in their hands, it succeeds. Which now do you think is the worst?" "Robbery. _Charles.

I never make any effort to urge any one to attend the Saturday meeting, nor do I, except in a few touareg 2 rare and peculiar cases, ever address any one personally, unless she desires to be so addressed.

Now there is a very reasonable, and almost universally established rule, which teachers are very frequently prone to forget, viz. The practice of thus reducing to writing what the teacher may say on such subjects will be attended with excellent effects. | | HOUR. To practice the art in such a way as to make it an agreeable employment, is difficult, and it requires much knowledge of human nature, much attention and skill. Every man, if he has any originality of mind, has of course some peculiar method of his own, and he can of course prepare a text-book which will be better adapted to this method, than those ordinarily in use. If you have done your duty that is enough. I once met two children twelve years of age, who had just returned from hearing a very able discourse, delivered before a number of sabbath schools, assembled on some public occasion. Suppose they are all attentive and desirous of learning, it is very plain that the process may be explained to the whole at once, so that half an hour spent in that exercise, would enable a very large proportion of them to understand the subject. These are called criminal cases. "It will do them no good," says the chairman of the committee, "to learn by heart some dozen or two of learned names. " This is upright, but it is so attached by its lower edge to its support, by means of a hinge, that it can fall over from above, and thus be in a _horizontal_ position; or it will rest in an _inclined_ position,--_half down_, as it is called.

Let the populace of London materially interrupt the order, and break in upon the arrangements of the community, and, in eight and forty hours, nearly the whole of the mighty mass will be in the hands of the devourer, hunger; and they will be soon brought to submission.
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