Will you see whether it is longer than any that come after it?" The boys, after a minute's examination, answer, "Yes sir," "Yes sir. "However, there is one way you can do. Conceive clearly,--paint distinctly to your imagination what is described,--contemplate facts in all their bearings and relations, and thus endeavor to exercise the judgment and the thinking and reasoning powers, rather than the mere memory, upon the subjects which will come before you. Here, that is, in the classes, the real business of teaching is to be done. " Such a communication will generally be found to have a powerful effect. "Well, what would that motive be?" "Money. The object of the teacher should be to smooth the path, not much more than barely enough to enable the pupil to go on. 12. Evils of it. Look," continues he, holding up the lid, so that the boys in the neighborhood can look in; "see what a mass of disorder and confusion.

But it should be kindly, though distinctly explained to them, that, in the business of life, they must have their knowledge so much at command, that they can use it, at all times, and in all circumstances, or it will do them little good. , I requested you not to step until I gave the signal. Present your subject not in its _general views_, but in its _minute details_. He said nothing to the boy, and in fact, the boy did not know that he was overheard. "All those boys," said the teacher, pleasantly, "who have taken out pencils, may rise.

You resolved to rise earlier, but you u15 adulttube didn't resolve to rise just then. A great deal depends on finding these individuals out, in good season, and bringing the pressure of a proper authority to bear upon them soon. These offices have gradually multiplied as the school has increased, and as business has accumulated. 1. It ought also to be considered that upon the parents will come the consequences of the good or bad education of their children, and not upon u15 adulttube the teacher, and consequently it is right that they should direct.

While sitting in his desk, giving his command to _begin_ line after line, and noticing the unbroken silence, and attention, and interest, which prevailed, (for each boy was interested to see how nearly with the master he could finish his work,) while presiding over such a scene, he must have been interested. If you will appoint a committee who will prepare a plan, and mature its details, and take charge of the execution of it, you may try the experiment. They love to be of some consequence in the world, and will be especially gratified to be able to assist their teacher. Latin Grammar lesson.

I want good recitations, not good excuses. It is therefore the plain duty of every man, to establish that connexion between himself and his Maker, which the Bible requires, and to do what he can to bring others to the peace and happiness of piety. _ (See plan; page 196. Now this, unless there is great caution, will often be the case. Weeks and weeks sometimes elapse without one. Nearly all the power that is held, even by the most despotic executive, must be based on an adroit management of the principles of human nature, so as to lead men voluntarily to cooperate with the ruler, in his plans. "He is here now," said the teacher, winding up the interest and curiosity of u15 adulttube the scholars, by these words, to the highest pitch.

) Another method of calculating, which is, however, not very common, is this. Abbott, I think I have time for some more studies.

"How many," I then asked, "have u15 adulttube ever been put to the trouble to go to the door, when the bell has thus been rung? They may rise. He knew by this circumstance, that it was roguery, not accident, which caused the smoke. But no skill or classification will turn the poor teacher's hundred scholars into one, or enable him, except to a very limited extent, and for a very limited purpose, to regard them as one.

) By reading them in teacher's meetings.

There is not. " A committee is then raised to report in writing at the business hour of the following day. No legislation can enact laws as fast as a perverted ingenuity can find means to evade them. ) "More. The words used do not readily suggest the idea, and the connexion of the ideas requires careful study. " "Yes sir.

"Yes sir.

Parents may, indeed, u15 adulttube often misjudge. Two or three will stand together, and instead of deciding upon some plan, by which the individual may be made to feel at ease, something like the following conversation takes place. Ascertain the names and the characters of the principal families in the district, their ideas and wishes in respect to the government of the school, the kind of management adopted by one or two of the last teachers, the difficulties they fell into, the nature of the complaints made against them, if any, and the families with whom difficulty has usually arisen. Watching the behavior of the scholars. It does not appear to interest or please him at all. "Did you all recite together?" u15 adulttube "No sir. _ Well! we've got flowers enough, and now I'm tired and want to go home. By this government, all laws which related to u15 adulttube the internal police of the Institution, were to be made, all officers were appointed, and all criminal cases were to be tried. The Principal was the Executive, with power to _pardon_, but not to _sentence_, or even _accuse_. He can say to the proprietor, after a vain attempt to convince him u15 adulttube he is wrong, "Well, sir, I will do just as you say. Excuses which are often made for disobedience.

And I believe they consider this faithful monitor, not only one of the most useful, but one of the most agreeable friends they have. In these and similar amusements the recess passes away, and one minute before it expires the bell is rung, to give notice of the approach of study hours. His efforts ceased u15 adulttube when he obtained a situation as teacher, at forty dollars a month, and though twenty years have glided away, he is now exactly what he was then. In a word, if the teacher is really honest and sincere in his wish to lead his pupils to the worship of God, he will find no serious difficulty u15 adulttube in preventing u15 adulttube the abuses and avoiding the dangers which some might fear, and in accomplishing vast good, both in promoting the prosperity of the school, and in the formation of the highest and best traits a individual character.
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