" I am aware that there are, unfortunately, in our country, a great many teachers, from whose lips, such an appeal as this, would be wholly in vain. While sitting in his desk, giving his command to _begin_ line after line, and noticing the unbroken silence, and attention, and interest, which prevailed, (for each boy was interested to see how nearly with the master he could finish his work,) while presiding over such a scene, he must have been interested. VERNON SCHOOL. In other words what are the punishments which are resorted to in the Mt. But let us examine, first, for a moment, what right any member of the community has to express and to disseminate his opinions, with a view to the inquiry, whether the teacher is really bound to confine himself to what he can do, on this subject, with the common consent of his employers. Cases are continually occurring, and if the teacher will keep it constantly in mind, that when a particular case comes before the whole school, the object is an influence upon the whole, and not the punishment or reform of the guilty individual, he will insensibly so shape his measures, as to produce the desired result. 12. My only object, here, is to show, in the general arrangements of the school, how a place is to be found for them. As to all questions about the lesson,--where printable reminder lists it is, and what it is, and how long it is,--never answer them. There may, however, be a time set apart in the school specially for this purpose.
Which do you think you should rather do?" The boys hesitate, look at one another, and presently say that they had rather sit together. If the former, use it so long as it will last, simply to give variety and interest to your plans. In schools, however, the pupils have made so little progress in this course, that they all need more or less of this oral assistance. Answering questions. Page 11 CHAPTER II. While the teacher should take effectual measures for restraining all such irregularities, he should do it with the tone and manner which will show that he understands their true moral character, and deals with them, not as heinous sins which deserve severe punishment, but as serious inconveniences which he is compelled to repress. D. "Can you say the Multiplication Table?" said a teacher, to a boy, who was standing before him, in his class. 1.
We called the first boy A. The mother thought it very strange her little boy should so often transgress, when he knew what to expect from such a course of conduct. If a great majority of the school really wish to assist me in accomplishing the object, why, of course, I am glad; still, I shall not call upon any for such assistance, unless it is freely and voluntarily rendered. The teacher is vexed printable reminder lists at the interruption, and severely rebukes or punishes the boy,--when, after all, the offence, in a moral point of view, was an exceedingly light one; at least it might very probably have been so. Perhaps some individuals, who have had some collision with their trustees or committee, will ask me if I mean, printable reminder lists that a teacher ought to be entirely and immediately under the supervision and control of the trustees, just as a mechanic is when employed by another man. The next day the master heard the printable reminder lists case and settled it, so far as it related to the two printable reminder lists boys.
This you have already said will take six hours. 5.
_ "William was trying to take it away from me. In other words, the variations and changes, admitted by the teacher, ought to be mainly confined to the modes of accomplishing those permanent objects to which all the exercises and arrangements of the school ought steadily to aim. Sometimes I am asked to _forgive_ the offence. You do not want her to be punished; do you?" "No; I only want her to give me up my seat; I don't want her to be punished. There are differences between these various modes of organization which I shall not now stop to examine, as it will be sufficiently correct for my purpose to consider them all as only various ways of organizing the _employers_, in the contract, by which the teacher is employed.
They will come together in the place assigned, and listen to the one who is appointed to read the words to them, with every faculty aroused, and their whole souls engrossed in the new duties assigned them. Each scholar must keep her own place in a proper condition;--so that if disorder is found there, no matter who made it, she is responsible, if she only had time to remove it. I am convinced also that the scholars do like the operation of this plan for I do not have to make any efforts to sustain it. " "Quarter of an hour. This plan may possibly be admissible in a very small school; that is, in one of ten or twelve pupils. You will observe often at the close of the school or at an appointed general exercise, that a scholar will bring to my desk a dark-colored morocco wrapper, containing several small strips of paper upon which questions relating to moral printable reminder lists or religious duty, or subjects for remarks from me, or anecdotes, or short statements of facts, giving rise to inquiries of various kinds, are written.
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